Our group has evolved from the Kitsap Robotics & Electronics Enthusiasts Group (KREEG) as a 501(C)(3) non-profit corporation. We have incorporated within the State of Washington as a recognized nonprofit organization. We are managed by a Board of Directors drawn from a diverse group of local government and business leaders.
In the short term, we are looking for new members that share our interests and similar groups or organizations with whom we can collaborate. One of our key longer term goals is to establish a permanent CREATEr Space in Kitsap County similar to the “Maker Spaces” that exist in other communities. As described in Wikipedia these spaces typically provide space for members to work on their individual projects, or to collaborate on group projects with other members. They also provide access to tools, technology, equipment and parts beyond what most individuals would normally have access to in their homes. Some examples include machine tools, sewing, crafting, art fabrication, audio equipment, video projectors, game consoles, electronic instrumentation (such as oscilloscopes and signal generators), electronic components and raw materials for creating, and various other tools for electronics fabrication and creating things. Specialized large-format printers, 3D printers, laser cutters, industrial water jet cutters may be available for members to use.